IT and modern technology

Gille Advokater DA has extensive experience in assisting with the design and signing of IT contracts. We can help you secure a good and balanced agreement.

Courses within IT contracts

ICT contracts 

A contract or an agreement is a tool for structured communication. Good communication prevents misunderstandings, which in turn prevents disputes. Contracts are a valuable risk management tool. 

Benefit from our experience 

Agreements regarding the delivery of information technology is some of the most challenging contract work there is. The deliveries are unusually complex and there are many legal areas and legal rules to account for. We have extensive experience in assisting with the design and signing of IT contracts and help you to secure a good and balanced agreement.

Courses within ICT contracts

We also hold the following courses on ICT contracts:

Basic course

  • Overview course applicaple to ICT contracts standards (State Standard Agreements (SSA), ICT-Norway and the Data Association) 
  • Basic course ICT delivery agreements 
  • Basic course ICT development agreements 
  • Basic course ICT operational agreements 
  • Basic course ICT outsourcing 

Course duration: 2-6 hours (adjustable).

Click here to register

Elective courses

  • State Standard Agreements (SSA), the development agreements 
  • Subject to the State Standard Agreements (SSA), including their relation to public procurement regulations 
  • Agile development, including PS 2000 agile 
  • Acquisition of free software, including the consideration of SSA and ICT-Norway's contract standards 

Course duration: 2-6 hours (adjustable)

Click here to register

Contact person

Wilfred Rohde Garder

   +47 922 86 209